Friday, April 20, 2012

It Ain't Optional for These Guys
There purpose and management is quite different from a normal business or corporation, but it does not mean that social media cannot work for them. Social media cannot be optional for non-profits, currently 84% of non-profits use social media to improve their fundraiser and outreach methods according to a recent study. The study continued to say that only 39% of organizations are using social media for the primary purpose of fundraising. As well it was recorded that most organizations experience success with social media and little dissatisfaction with this type of marketing.
"Nonprofits approaching social media strategically -- setting goals and objectives and then measuring results against them -- are the most satisfied," said Krista Endsley, senior vice president and general manager for Nonprofit Solutions at Sage. "You really do get what you measure. Knowing where social media fits within an organization's overall mission, and having goals and objectives in place, will take that organization much further than sporadic social media activity."
It's all in the videos

Kony 2012 - Invisible Children
The best way that non-profits can make effective use of social media is to target the correct audience, create a story that causes change or action, and try to get others to get involved through donation or volunteering. A great way to create this process is to make a story that target's the viewers heart through videos. Online videos have start with one viewer and are passed on through the population very quickly. If the video has the ability to affect change than it will become viral very quickly. A great example of a video that caused major change was the KONY 2012 video. With over 88 million views this video sets the example for other effective social media videos. With the help of Google which has created a new non-profit system where views can donate straight through online videos.
"Undoubtedly, social media has transformed how nonprofits communicate and engage with their constituents and supporters," said Endsley. "Americans spend more time using social media than any other activity online. No matter an organization's mission, establishing a social media presence online is critical to both expanding awareness and reach and engaging constituents."
Making your Message Count
The Nonprofit Quarterly published an article recently that walked organizations through how to make Twitter mean the most to their purpose. They gave the same steps as with making viral videos. First, you must connect - start by joining these sites then target your audience - so your message reaches those that it truly impacts. Thirdly, be consistent - post consistently and make sure your messages agree with each other and support the organization's goal. Lastly, keep it interested - engage your audience and allow for feedback or discussion, this will help cause your audience to take action.

Takes Time
Success will not come over night, but nonprofits must continue to fight to get their message and voice head as the American public continues to move online and turn to social media.

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